News and Updates
One hundred years of waiting for universal prenatal care
(with Howard Markel)
Ending Child Labor Laws: A Bad Idea
Should we end child labor and minimum wage laws? My thoughts on the matter: History News Network
Marketing and Money in the Lives of American Babies
“Reading Baby Books: Marketing, and Money in the Lives of American Babies,” (with Lynn Weiner) Journal of Social History Volume 44, Number 3, Spring 2011, pp. 667-687
Alcohol Abuse and Pregnancy in the Late 19th Century
“Observing the Effects of Alcohol Abuse and Pregnancy in the Late 19th Century,” International Journal of Epidemiology (2011) 40(2): 292-293 doi:10.1093/ije/dyr005
Infant Mortality–How are we doing?
“Pediatrics, Public Health and Infant Mortality in the Early Twentieth Century United States,” Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 011;165(2):102-103. doi:10.1001/archpediatrics.2010.280